Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Churchill Download

Title: Churchill Pdf Walking with Destiny

New York Times best seller

One of The Wall Street Journal's 10 best books of 2018

One of The Economist's best books of 2018

One of The New York Times' notable books of 2018 

"Unarguably the best single-volume biography of Churchill... A brilliant feat of storytelling, monumental in scope, yet put together with tenderness for a man who had always believed that he would be Britain's savior." (Wall Street Journal) 

In this landmark biography of Winston Churchill based on extensive new material, the true genius of the man, statesman, and leader can finally be fully seen and understood - by the best-selling, award-winning author of Napoleon and The Storm of War

When we seek an example of great leaders with unalloyed courage, the person who comes to mind is Winston Churchill: the iconic, visionary war leader immune from the consensus of the day, who stood firmly for his beliefs when everyone doubted him. But how did young Winston become Churchill? What gave him the strength to take on the superior force of Nazi Germany when bombs rained on London and so many others had caved? In Churchill, Andrew Roberts gives listeners the full and definitive Winston Churchill, from birth to lasting legacy, as personally revealing as it is compulsively listenable.

Roberts gained exclusive access to extensive new material: transcripts of War Cabinet meetings, diaries, letters, and unpublished memoirs from Churchill's contemporaries. The Royal Family permitted Roberts - in a first for a Churchill biographer - to read the detailed notes taken by King George VI in his diary after his weekly meetings with Churchill during World War II. This treasure trove of access allows Roberts to understand the man in revelatory new ways, and to identify the hidden forces fueling Churchill's legendary drive.

We think of Churchill as a hero who saved civilization from the evils of Nazism and warned of the grave crimes of Soviet communism, but Roberts's masterwork reveals that he has as much to teach us about the challenges leaders face today - and the fundamental values of courage, tenacity, leadership, and moral conviction.

Poor Printing Practice? I love the content of the book. However the publisher did a poor job on this initial release. The book literally stinks the room (not sure if it is the paper or the ink). Many pages were smudged, wet ink from one page got onto opposite page, please see the attached photo of a example.A great biography of Sir Winston Churchill the greatest English statesman of all time! Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) lived an epic life of heroism, statesmanship, scholarship and artistic accomplishment. He was the Prime Minister (taking office on May 10th 1940 as the dark skies of Europe were clogged by the odious Luftwaffe of Nazi Germany) of Great Britain. Churchill's father was the cold and aloof Randolph Churchill who served in Parliament and the fetching beauty Jenny Jerome Churchill his social butterfly American mother. She had affairs with many men including the Prince of Wales and wed three times. Winston was scorned by his parents and considered by them to be a failure. He graduated from Sandhurst and served with distinction in India and South Africa where his daring escape from the Boers made him a household name. In a long career in Parliament he served in many posts such as Home Secretary, Secretary for the Colonies and Lord of the Admirality. He was blamed for the Gallipoli disaster of World War I and served for six months as an officer in the trenches of France. Only with the coming of Fascism did Churchill emerge from the political wilderness to lead his land to victory, By blood, toil sweat and tears the Allies at last defeated the Axis. Churchill drafted the English language and put words to war as his brilliant oratory will live forever in the minds and hearts of freedom loving people. Postwar he served as Prime Minister and wrote his war memoirs. Churchill was a genius! He was a personally kind man who loved his adoring wife Clementine, his five children, pets, painting and a vast array of eccentric friends from all walks of life. He was pro-Israel and had compassion for the poor and helpless in society. He is my ultimate hero along with Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt his wartime counterpart and friend who was POTUS. Andrew Roberts has written the best one volume biography of Sir Winston. While I admire the yeoman work of Martin Gilbert and Roy Jenkins in their fine biographies of Churchill this new biography is my favorite one! On its many pages Roberts has illuminated a great life in all its complexities and challenges. Churchill's wit and good humor, his refusal to surrender and his indomitable love of the British Empire are a wonder to behold. The author was able to obtain the permission of the Royal Family to see George VI's diary entries on his many meetings with Churchill. This magisterial biography is now the new sine qua non for Churchill scholars and general readers. The breath of the scholarship combined with Roberts' prose style have set a new standard for excellence in Churchill scholarship. The best biograpy of Churchill is well worth your money and your time. Kudos to Andrew Roberts and thanks to Sir Winston Churchill a beacon of liberty and love in a world of cruelty and hate. Excellent!A 1,000 page page turner. A remarkable book that hold the readers interest throughout its entire length - a tribute to the writing and, more truthfully, a great life. As other reviewers have said, new sources add only a little to a well known story, but it is such a story that the reader hardly notices. If Churchill had been a fictitious character, one would have struggled to believe all that one man could go through so many adventures - personally, militarily, and politically.The fact that the author is clearly a Churchill fan occasionally jars, but for the most part this a well balanced account that is more than just hero-worship. There is also the (very, very) occasional factual error that slipped through proofreading/editing, but again these in no way take away from an absorbing read. Five stars, fully justified.

Tags: B07K4DL8QP pdf,Churchill pdf,Walking with Destiny pdf,,Andrew Roberts, Stephen Thorne, Penguin Audio,Churchill: Walking with Destiny,Penguin Audio,B07K4DL8QP

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